New Paper: Exploring Smart Agents for the Interaction with Multimodal Mediated Environments
After smart conversational agents, such as Siri, Amazon Alexa, or Google Home, have been made available to the broader public, we speculate that applying them as a mediator for adaptive environments reduces control complexity and increases user experience by providing a more natural interaction. In our new article “Exploring Smart Agents for the Interaction with Multimodal Mediated Environments”, published in the Journal Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, we implemented and evaluated four such agents, each of them differing in their system intelligence and input modality, as personal assistants for Mediated Atmospheres, an adaptive smart office prototype. This work was performed during Robert’s research stay at the Responsive Environments Group of the MIT Media Lab, led by Joseph A. Paradiso.
Congratulations to the authors: Robert Richer, Nan Zhao, Bjoern Eskofier and Joseph A. Paradiso.