New Paper: Exploration of Process Mining Opportunities In Educational Software Engineering – The GitLab Analyser
The increasing complexity in software development leads to the necessity for a detailed data analysis. Literature illustrates a stronger research focus on Educational Process Mining (EPM) being applied to the fields of e-learning and professional training. In this work, the opportunities of Process Mining (PM) are further examined by the evaluation of software engineering courses. The methodology follows the five stages of the L* life cycle model for PM projects using data from software repositories. The event log data was analyzed with the PM tool Disco to examine the students’ work following an agile development process. The new tool GitLab Analyser supports supervisors to visualize educational processes and still extracts event logs for the further analysis and application of PM techniques. This work was presented at the 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2020, 10th-13th July 2020).
Congratulations to the authors: Philipp Dumbach, Alexander Aly, Markus Zrenner and Bjoern Eskofier.
The paper can be found via: