MedTech E-Lab Team PalliCare Publishes their Work
We are proud to announce that our MedTech E-Lab team PalliCare ( published the work on their prototype at the annual conference of the German Association for Palliative Medicine – “13. DGP Kongress”. The developed system enables home-monitoring of psychometric and physiological parameters of palliative patients. Using their system in a proof-of-concept study, team PalliCare shows a possible pathway to drive change in both receiving and giving palliative care. In a future version, their system should make it possible for more patients to receive palliative care while staying in their comfortable home-setting. Many thanks to the partners EIT Health and the University Clinic Erlangen for their support within this project.
Congratulations to the authors: Ulla Sternemann, Insa Suchantke, Klaus Schmidt, Patrick Höfner, Daniel Wagner, Malte Ollenschläger, Maria Heckel, Christoph Ostgathe, Bjoern M. Eskofier and Tobias Steigleder.