Wearable gait analysis systems: ready to be used by medical practitioners in geriatric wards?
We are pleased to announce that our latest paper “Wearable gait analysis systems: ready to be used by medical practitioners in geriatric wards?” is now published in the journal of the European Geriatric Medicine Society.
Gait Analysis was one of the first topics researched at the MaD Lab. Together with (inter-)national partners, we have developed algorithms mainly for Parkinson’s Disease and our results even made their way from research into a spin-off company. Now, we are of course interested in how our wearable gait analysis system performs in daily clinical practice and how it can be transferred to other domains, such as geriatrics.
Our study shows, that wearable gait analysis is transferable to clinical practice and that reliable data can be gathered in daily routine. However, depending on the domain, potential users are in need of data processing tailored to their specific needs.
Congratulations to all authors!
Malte Ollenschläger, Felix Kluge, Matthias Müller-Schulz, Rupert Püllen, Claudia Möller, Jochen Klucken & Bjoern M. Eskofier