
Arne Küderle, one of our PhD students, got awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Award for his master thesis at the RWTH Aachen. The Friedrich Wilhelm Award is one of the highest awards at the RWTH Aachen, received by only 24 out of over 10000 annual graduates. Congratulations Arne!

Congratulations to Dr. MaD Peter Blank, who successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled „Smart Racket – Instrumented Racket as Real-time Feedback Device for Table Tennis".  

On September 27, An was awarded by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) for his excellent Master’s degree. An did his Master's Programs at the Technische Universität Berlin and the University of Michigan. He wrote his Master ‘s Thesis with the title “Development and Clinical Validation of Inert...

Johannes studied Physics in Erlangen and wrote both, the bachelor’s and master’s thesis, at the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP). His bachelor's thesis dealt with the optimization of the signal selection for the acoustic particle detector AMADEUS. In his Master’s thesis, he improved ...

After growing up reasonably close to Erlangen, René left this region to study Kognitive Informatik (Cognitive Computer Science) in Bielefeld, Germany. During that time, he spent a semester at Aarhus University in Denmark. This experience abroad has led him to leave Germany again and pursue a master’...

Leo Schwinn joined the MaD lab in August as a Ph.D. candidate. During his bachelor studies in medical engineering in Erlangen, he became interested in pattern recognition and machine learning. The processing of language became the focus of his studies. His bachelor thesis dealt with automatic pat...

Mohamad always had a great interest in computer systems. He received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and Informatics. He worked for two years in the computer and communication sector before pursuing his Master's degree in Italy in Robotics and Automation Engineering where he developed ...

Anne joined the MaD lab in August as an assistant professor. She has a D.Eng. in mechanical engineering from Cleveland State University, and an MSc in mechanical engineering and a BSc in aerospace engineering, both from TU Delft. After starting out in aerospace engineering, she quickly shifted focus...