
MaD Lab members Martin Ullrich and Arne Küderle presented the forefront of sensor-based gait analysis together with their clinical partners Prof. Jochen Klucken, Dr. Heiko Gaßner, and Till Gladow from the university hospital Erlangen @FAU Neuroscience poster-day.

On 2nd and 3rd of July Martin and Till visited the European Falls Festival in Manchester, UK. The European Falls Festival brings together leading academics, researchers, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, industry representatives and key stakeholders from across the globe to celebrate best practi...

Coming from Medical Engineering by education, Philipp already put a focus on data and signal processing during his Bachelor and Master studies. After placing his master thesis project at the MaD Lab in cooperation with the adidas AG in Portland, US he decided to continue his time at the Friedrich Al...

Markus Wirth presented his research work on "Assessment of Perceptual-Cognitive Abilities among Athletes in Virtual Environments: Exploring Interaction Concepts for Soccer Players" @ACM DESIGNING INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS (DIS) Conference 2018 in Hong Kong. Well done! #DIS2018

Congratulations to Eva being on stage at the adidas headquarters giving an amazing talk about Digital Sports and the successful collaboration between the MaD Lab and adidas @faugoesadidas. We were very happy about celebrating the fruitful relationship and the opportunity to give insights into the jo...

Ivanna Timotius presented her research during Measuring Behavior 2018 in Manchester, UK: "Rodent’s Stride Length Depends on Body Size: Implications for CatWalk Assay" and "Systematic Data Analysis and Data Mining in Gait Analysis by Heat Mapping". @mbconference #MB2018 ...

Maike Stoeve, former student of the Pattern Recognition Lab and now a PhD candidate at the MaD Lab made third place at the „Connecting Healthcare IT“ Newcomer Award for her Master´s Thesis written at the Patter Recognition Lab at FAU ( The award is granted annually for thesis...

During Girls`Day young girls gain insights into technical, scientific and mechanical careers. Eleven girls from 5th to 7th grade took a closer look at our work at the MaD Lab. By recording acceleration and gyroscope data, they explored the motions of daily life activities as walking. In the end, the...

Peter Blank hat den mit 2000 Euro dotierten ccc-Technologiepreis gewonnen. Der Diplom-Ingenieur für Mechatronik ist Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und entwickelte innerhalb seiner Promotionsarbeit – die er in d...

Wo Unternehmen und Studierende die Technik von Morgen entwickeln Schon seit einigen Jahren bestimmt die fortschreitende Digitalisierung unser Leben. Industrie 4.0, Smart Homes, selbstfahrende Autos sind nur einige Beispiele. Dass der Kühlschrank einem sagt, was einzukaufen ist, und dass die Zahnbür...