
On Schüler-Infotag more than 400 students from different schools took a look at the research at FAU. Martin and Malte presented projects of the MaD Lab in the fields of movement analysis and virtual reality. In hands-on demos the students learned that wearable sensing is already a part of our everyd...

In gemeinsamer Zusammenarbeit zwischen der FAU und der UKER konnte unter der Federführung der Molekularen Neurologie ein EIT-Health Projekt eingeworben werden, welches die Sensor-basierte Gang- und Sturzanalyse bei Parkinson-Patienten entwickelt. Die Kombination von Bewegungssensoren im Schuh zur ho...

We are pleased to announce that our paper “Promoting Relaxation Using Virtual Reality, Olfactory Interfaces and Wearable EEG” by Judith Amores (MIT Media Lab) and Robert Richer (MaD Lab) won the Best Student Paper Award at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN) in Las V...

First studying Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Arne realized that building software and developing algorithms is a lot more fun. After a master thesis on monitoring human joint angles with wearables sensors, he now joined the team as a doctoral researcher on the MoveIT project, which aims ...

Prof. Bjoern Eskofier and Prof. Jochen Klucken received the Medical Valley Award ( from minister of economic affairs Ilse Aigner and CEO of Medical Valley Prof. Erich Reinhardt.

We had a great MaD-Skiing weekend in Faschina (Vorarlberg) with plenty of snow and figured out that some of us have „Hobbit Feet“ ;).

Thanks again to all speakers for their inspiring talks at our internal MaD-Conf yesterday. Special congratulations to Stefan Gradl for winning "Best Demo Award" and Markus Zrenner for winning "Best Presentation Award".

Congratulations to Dr. MaD Stefan Meinzer, who successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled „Translating the determination of subjective customer perceptions from the health care sector to the service industry„.

Congratulations to Dr. MaD Jens Barth, who successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled „Development and Validation of a Mobile Gait Analysis System Providing Clinically Relevant Target Parameters in Parkinson’s Disease„.