
Recently Ines Kahlert from Merck and Professor Björn Eskofier from our lab discussed directions toward a smarter healthcare ecosystem. Our goal at the MaD Lab is to improve patient care by providing continuous monitoring during the course of disease using machine learning. Thereby, chronically ill p...

Alexander joined the Lab in June 2022. He completed both his bachelor's and master's degrees in medical engineering at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. He specialized in device engineering and prosthetics. He got his first hands-on experience with biomechanics during his bachelor's thesis about gesture recog...

Dear @FAU Students, The Machine Learning and Data Analytics (MaD) Lab is excited to offer a wide range of seminars in the upcoming summer semester (SS22). The common denominator is AI applied to the most diverse fields. These seminars offer you the opportunity to dive directly into the hottest to...

We are pleased to announce that our latest paper "Wearable Sensors for Activity Recognition in Ultimate Frisbee Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning“ is now published at Sensors MDPI. The Paper is published open access: We developed the first...

We are pleased to announce that the paper "SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition" is now published in the Journal of Pattern Recognition. Mohamad Wehbi has great experience in the topic of writing recognition, t...