Master's Thesis / Research Internship / Student Assistant
The golf swing is arguably one of the most complex whole-body movements in sports . It requires significant physiological effort and precise neuromuscular control to accelerate the clubhead to more than 160 km/h in one-fifth of a second . Th...
Master's thesis
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „KOSIR“ wurden Radardaten für eine KI-basierte Auswertung aufgezeichnet. Dazu wurde ein Messstand erstellt, der einen Radarsensor im 60 GHz-Band und zwei Microsoft Azure Kinect-Kaberas enthält. Mit Hilfe der Kameras wurden Radardaten in ...
Research Internship / Project
The reverse engineering of human movements. Inverse Optimal Control, also called Inverse Reinforcement Learning, is used to find a cost function that is related to a certain movement. For human movement, the exact cost function is unknown. Current Inverse Optimal Contr...
Master's thesis/Bachelor's thesis/Project
Patients in palliative care are often treated with opioids for pain relief. However, patients react very differently to opioid dosages. Furthermore, opioids can cause serious adverse reactions. As wrong dosages can lead to serious unwanted outco...
Master's thesis
Wearable technology (such as fitness trackers) use several sensors to record biosignals, such as Photoplethysmography, Accelerometers/Gyroscopes, and Electrodermal activity. These sensors may be helpful in an aviation context, particularly with respect to human factors and pilot per...
Master's Thesis
Skateboarding involves the interaction between the skateboard, the rider, and the environment. There are several factors that influence the dynamics of skateboarding, such as the rider’s center of mass, weight distribution, and angular velocity. In addition, the interaction between ...