Research Internship

Performance in competitive diving is dependent on the position of the body during different key moments of the exercise. Therefore, it is important for athletes to receive immediate feedback regarding their pose at these key moments, such that they can improve if necessary. Currently, a manual appro...

Description: This project utilizes cutting-edge technology to detect depression at its early stages. We use facial behavior analysis software to extract facial attributes, which are then used to train models for depression detection. Our methodology is built upon the EmpkinS D02 dataset. By integ...

Master's Thesis / Research Internship / Student Assistant The golf swing is arguably one of the most complex whole-body movements in sports . It requires significant physiological effort and precise neuromuscular control to accelerate the clubhead to more than 160 km/h in one-fifth of a second . Th...

Master's Thesis / Research Internship / Student Assistant The golf swing is arguably one of the most complex whole-body movements in sports . It requires significant physiological effort and precise neuromuscular control to accelerate the clubhead to more than 160 km/h in one-fifth of a second . Th...

Research Internship / Project The reverse engineering of human movements. Inverse Optimal Control, also called Inverse Reinforcement Learning, is used to find a cost function that is related to a certain movement. For human movement, the exact cost function is unknown. Current Inverse Optimal Contr...