Michael Nissen

Michael Nissen, M. Sc.

Researcher & PhD Candidate

Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik

Room: Room 01.019
Carl-Thiersch- Straße, 2b
91052 Erlangen

My key research areas include medicine (in particular Obstetrics, Emergency Medicine and Cardiology) as well as aviation. My key activities are situated in our interdisciplinary research project SMART Start. I am also open for topics, discussions and inquiries related to E-Commerce and Quantitative Analysis/Finance/Trading, even though these topics are outside of my core research areas.

If you’d like to discuss any collaboration or thesis ideas in any of these areas, please feel free to contact me.

Outside of my curricular activities, I offer freelance IT consulting and development services with a focus on E-Commerce, Data Science and Business Consulting. You may also find more information about me and my non- as well as co-curricular activities on the respective website.


Academic CV

Since 05/2022 Researcher and Ph.D. student
Department of Palliative Medicine
University Hospital Erlangen (UKER)
Since 03/2020 Researcher and Ph.D. student
Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab
Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
04/2016 – 12/2019 M. Sc. in Computer Science
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Master Thesis: “Label Extraction from Electrocardiogram Free Text Reads”
06/2019 – 10/2019 Visiting Student/Master Thesis
Computational Cardiovascular Research Group
Research Lab of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
in Cooperation with Clinical Data Animation Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
10/2015 – 10/2019 Student Assistant
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftinsformatik, insbesondere im Dienstleistungsbereich
Tutor for “PC-Praktikum” and “Algorithms and Data Structures for IIS Students”
10/2014 – 10/2016 B. Sc. in Information Systems
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Bachelor Thesis: “Entwicklung und prototypische Realisierung eines Konzepts zur integrierten Fertigungsplanung einer
entscheidungsoptimierten Feindisposition bei der REHAU AG + Co”







Research Projects

Supervised Students

Month/Year Name Title
(Ongoing) Jan Šimerda Sharing Medical Trial Data in Federated Gaia-X Data Spaces
(Master’s thesis)
(Ongoing) Tobias Frieß Ubiquitous Investigation of Overall State of Health Using a Smart Toothbrush in Palliative Care (v 3.0)
(Master’s thesis)
(Ongoing) Ronald Gate Exploring Cyberchondria in Pregnant Women: A Comprehensive Investigation and Analysis
(Master’s thesis)
(Ongoing) Terumi Hauser Feasibility and Accuracy of Over-Ear PPG Measurements using an Aviation Headset
(Master’s thesis)
12/2023 Lena Heinstein Ubiquitous Investigation of Overall State of Health Using a Smart Toothbrush in Palliative Care (v 2.0)
(Bachelor’s thesis)
11/2023 Daniel Kriegl Conception and Prototyping of an Enterprise Process and Data Analytics Platform for E-Commerce Decision Making
(Master’s thesis)
07/2023 Julia Hafenbrak (Confidential)
(Bachelor’s thesis)
07/2023 Carla Dorn A Mobile And Ubiquitious Health Medical Trial Platform
(Research internship)
07/2023 Michael Brock Refinement, Feasibility and Evaluation of an eHealth Application for Opioid Management in Palliative Care
(Master’s thesis)
07/2023 Nuria Barrios Campo Retrospective Analysis of Self-Entered Symptom Tracker Data, Usage and Corresponding Outcomes in a Consumer Pregnancy Application (Keleya)
(Master’s thesis)
10/2022 Elisabeth Gabler Fetal ReID: Deep Learning on Pregnancy Ultrasound Images
(Bachelor’s thesis)
11/2022 Paul Maas Ubiquitous Investigation of Overall State of Health Using a Smart Toothbrush in Palliative Care
(Master’s thesis)
08/2022 Jacob Fidorra Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Clinical Assistance in Palliative Care
(Master’s Thesis)
03/2022 Carlos Perez Usability Aspects of Pregnancy Applications and Digital Maternity Records
(Master’s Thesis)
03/2022 Kelly Haong Deep Learning on Pregnancy Ultrasound Images
(Research internship)
09/2021 Shih-Yuan Huan Lifestyle Pregnancy Apps: An Examination of Functionality, Scientific and Commercial Aspects using Natural Language Processing
(Research Internship)
07/2021 Ben Paulsen Prediction of Convective Updrafts in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Based on Real-World Flight Data: A Machine Learning Approach
(Bachelor’s Thesis)
07/2021 Jingna Qiu Data Augmentation for Electrocardiogram Classification
(Master’s Thesis)
07/2021 Luisa Dörflinger Digital Maternity Records: Physician’s and Midwife’s Perspective on Motivation and Usability
(Bachelor’s Thesis)
05/2021 Beeke Kirsch Investigation and Validation of the Impact of Local Characteristics on Clinical Decision Support Systems for early Sepis Prediction
(Master’s Thesis)
02/2021 Madeleine Flaucher Smartphone-based Colorimetric Analysis of Urine Dipsticks for At-Home Prenatal Care
(Master’s Thesis)
12/2020 Dominik Happel A Wearable-Data Enhanced Digital Maternity Log Including Cyberchondria-Aware User Interaction Concepts
(Master’s Thesis)
12/2020 Simone Rahm Medical Data Donation in Perinatal and Antenatal Care
(Research Internship)
11/2020 Felix Tempel Deep Learning-Based ECG Classification With Focus on Pregnant Women
(Master’s Thesis, Co-Supervision)
10/2020 Syrine Slim Validation of Heart Rate Variability Measurements of Wearable Devices Used Among Pregnant Women
(Bachelor’s Thesis)
10/2020 Michael Werthmann Objektive, technische Vergleichsparameter von Ultraschallgeräten und Deep Learning in der Ultraschallanwendung: Eine Literaturübersicht
(Research Internship)
08/2020 Madeleine Flaucher Antenatal Care in Germany: A Process Perspective
(Research Internship)



Month/Year Name Details
04/2020 –
Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing Summer 2023: tbd (Tiergarten Nürnberg)

Winter 2022: “Office heroes” (in collaboration with DATEV)

Summer 2022: “DreamCation” – Smart Sleeping Mask (in collaboration with Christine Lenz)

Winter 2021: “VitalSense” – Ubiquitous Devices in Palliative Care (in collaboration with the Department of Palliative Medicine, Erlangen University Hospital)

Summer 2021: “Palley” – Application for Opioid Management and Adverse Effects in Palliative Care (in collaboration with the Department of Palliative Medicine, Erlangen University Hospital)

Winter 2020: “Spinson” – Drone Mapping for Solar Panel Inspection and Defects Detection (in collaboration with Intego GmbH)

Summer 2020: “Stress+” – A web based application for stress management

10/2015 – 10/2020 PC Praktikum Teaches basics of Office software
10/2015 – 04/2018 Algorithms and Data Structures for IIS Students Additional english-based support for Master’s students of the study programme “International Information Systems”