Blanda Mello
Blanda Mello, M. Sc.
I am a Ph.D. student from Brazil and an FAU guest student at MaD Lab. My research focuses on Semantic Interoperability in Clinical Databases, a model based on NLP for information extraction in non-structured medical data, such as Electronic Health Records from Brazilian hospitals. This research is part of the MinhaSaudeDigital Project, Grant: CNPq-CAPES/Brazil.
I graduated in Development Systems and have an MSc. in Applied Computing in Artificial Intelligence focusing on Natural Language Generation. I have worked as a Python software engineer, database modeler, and team lead for web applications since 2015.
Since 2022 | Interoperability Consultant at the Ministry of Health of Brazil, as interoperability business manager for information modeling on the National Health Data Network |
Since 2020 | Ph.D. Candidate in Applied Computing in Artificial Intelligence |
2017-2019 | M.Sc. in Applied Computing at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos UNISINOS |
2013-2016 | Associate Degree in System Development at Universidade Feevale |
- MELLO, B.H., Rigo, S.J., da Costa, C.A. et al. Semantic interoperability in health records standards: a systematic literature review. Health Technol. (2022).
- SCHÜNKE, L. C.; MELLO, B.; COSTA, C. A.; ANTUNES, R. S.; RIGO, S. J.; RAMOS, G. O.; RIGHI, R. R.; SCHERER, J.N.; DONIDA, B. A Rapid Review of Machine Learning Approaches for Telemedicine in the Scope of COVID-19. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2022.
- D. Silva, B. Mello, W. Fröhlich, S. Rigo, M. Schwertner, and C. Costa. “Avaliação de modelos para extração de dados não estruturados de um sistema EHR para atender a estrutura final de uma ontologia”, in Anais do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde, Teresina, 2022, pp. 437-448.
- Bez, M.R., Mello, B., Pinheiro, D., Stahnke, F.R. e Barros, P.R. 2018. HEALTH SIMULATOR: um simulador de casos de estudo para a área da saúde. Revista Observatório. 4, 3 (abr. 2018), 283–306.