Laura Bernáez Timón
Laura Bernáez Timón
2017 – present | PhD candidate in neuroscience
Theory of Neural Dynamics Lab |
2020 | Fellow of Catalyst Europe |
2016-2017 | Research assistant in theoretical neuroscience
Theory of Neural Dynamics Lab |
2015-2016 | MSc in Physics of Condensed Matter and Biological Systems
Master Thesis: Non-linear computation and contrast-invariance in cortical circuits |
2014-2015 | Research assistant in nanotechnology for medical imaging
Advance Imaging Unit |
2010-2015 | BSc in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor Thesis: Nano-radiotracers for in vivo neutrophil detection |
2018 | Add-on fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science |
2017 | International Max Planck Research School for Neural Circuits (IMPRS) fellowship |
2015 | Cicerone Fellowship |
2010 | Academic Excellence Award
Spanish Ministry of Education |