Laura Bernáez Timón

Laura Bernáez Timón

2017 – present PhD candidate in neuroscience

Theory of Neural Dynamics Lab
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

2020 Fellow of Catalyst Europe
2016-2017 Research assistant in theoretical neuroscience

Theory of Neural Dynamics Lab
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

2015-2016 MSc in Physics of Condensed Matter and Biological Systems

Master Thesis: Non-linear computation and contrast-invariance in cortical circuits
Univsersidad Autonoma de Madrid

2014-2015 Research assistant in nanotechnology for medical imaging

Advance Imaging Unit
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), Madrid

 2010-2015 BSc in Biomedical Engineering

Bachelor Thesis: Nano-radiotracers for in vivo neutrophil detection
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

2018 Add-on fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science

Joachim Herz Stiftung

2017 International Max Planck Research School for Neural Circuits (IMPRS) fellowship
2015 Cicerone Fellowship

Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research

2010 Academic Excellence Award

Spanish Ministry of Education