Stefan Blos
Stefan Blos
Oren Lederman, Prof. Dr. B. Eskofier
07/2019 – 01/2020
In a recent study at MIT student members of the DeltaV program [1] wore sensors (called „Rhythm Badges“) developed to „measure team communication and dynamics“ [2]. The program is designed as a student venture accelerator where peers can work in teams over a 3-month period and get mentorship and coaching. After the period teams pitch their startup ideas to investors and board members and get feedback and review. During the 3 months of the study, all people involved in the program (peers, mentors, staff) also repeatedly answered questions. Specifically, they were asked to predict performance and success of their own team as well as other teams.
- O Lederman, D Calacci, A MacMullen, DC Fehder, FE Murray, AS Pentland. “Open Badges: A Low-Cost Toolkit for Measuring Team Communication and Dynamics”. International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC, USA, June 28-July 1, 2016.
- Katharina Full. „Good Learning – Analyzing Meetings of Sloan Fellows“. Master Thesis, September 2017.
- O Lederman. „Hacking Innovation – Group Dynamics in Innovation Teams“. Submitted to the Program in Media Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Planning, August 2015.
- Susan Mohammed, Lori Ferzandi, and Katherine Hamilton. Metaphor no more: A 15-year review of the team mental model construct. Journal of Management, 2010.