Adaptive AI Systems in Sport (BISS)

Adaptive AI Systems in Sport

Project leader: , Eva Dorschky
Project members: , ,
Start date: 1. December 2021
End date: 31. May 2024


The digitization of the sports sector leads to the individualization of products and services for everyday athletes. To be able to ensure this, artificial intelligence approaches are needed to know how to create personalized value for the athlete/consumer from large heterogeneous data sets.

An application example for this is the home training sector, which is gaining importance especially due to the effects of the Corona pandemic. Commercial platforms offer initial approaches to the use of immersive media but fail to generate individualization of content by analyzing heterogeneous data sources for the user.

The project will therefore investigate mechanisms for user engagement and motivation. Based on this, a comprehensive adaptive AI system for predicting individual goal achievement will be developed and fused with additional data sources. Based on the predictions, a framework for designing stimulus-driven real-time systems for individualizing immersive user interfaces will be defined. The integration of the resulting subsystems into a high-fidelity prototype enables the transfer to further application domains.
