
The HB-Performance App aims to collect and display statistics for handball coaches in real-time. So that the coach has all the necessary data to support his decisions at any time. Parameters that can be tracked for everyone individually are for example goals, assists, fouls, time penalties, and technical errors. For each action, it is also noted where and when it took place. This allows coaches to see in retrospect which players performed particularly well in which situations and when a player might be better substituted.

In addition to the added value during a match, our application also allows retrospective statistics on defense and offense to be viewed separately. This enables the coach to evaluate from match day to match day whether the training adjustments he has made have had a positive effect on the match progress and results or whether further adjustments are necessary.


Development Team: Daniel Wagner, Clara Zaus, Annika Mücke, Victoria Müller, Janina Krüger, Vincent Gemar

Scrum Master: Matthias Zürl

Partner: HC Erlangen