





Introduction: OsmXchange is an innovative online marketplace designed to facilitate the exchange of electrical testing services. Developed in collaboration with OMICRON electronics GmbH, the platform serves as a bridge connecting trusted service providers offering power voltage services with utilities in need of their expertise. This comprehensive wiki provides detailed information about the project, its purpose, goals, and features.

Purpose : OsmXchange aims to streamline the process of finding and hiring service providers for electrical testing, diagnostics, and consulting services. Established as a response to challenges faced by utilities, the platform prioritizes Time, Trust, and Choice. Service providers can showcase their services, allowing utilities to choose offers based on preferences and directly communicate with providers. The collaboration with Omicron electronics ensures a trustworthy platform, leveraging the Omicron customer database for verification.

Users : OsmXchange primarily targets utilities in need of services, focusing on trust and experience. Utilities face challenges with urgent test jobs and the availability of service providers. The platform addresses these issues and ensures utilities find providers they can trust.

Customer: The customer group includes service providers offering testing, diagnosing, and consulting services. With the growth of photovoltaics in Germany, their numbers are expected to rise, and the platform assists them in promoting themselves, meeting increasing demand, and providing filtered information about upcoming test jobs matching their skill set and equipment.

Goal: Our goal is to connect service providers and create an exchange platform, bringing together companies offering services with those in need. We will implement a robust marketing plan to attract a critical mass of users and build trust through features like ratings and recommendations based on skills and training.


  • Filtering Options: Utilities can quickly find suitable service providers based on availability, location and Service Type.
  • Templates for Service Offers: Service providers can showcase their services with well-structured templates.
  • Communication Channels: Utilities can reach out to service providers through various channels, including a chat function, phone number, and email.
  • Integration with MS Outlook: Automatic availability checks through calendar integration and a chat bot for streamlined communication.
  • Feedback and Rating System: Utilities can rate service providers, fostering a feedback system that helps providers improve their services and assists other utilities in making informed decisions.

Future Outlook: OsmXchange is designed to be flexible and scalable, with a vision to expand globally. The platform evolves with market demands, providing an indispensable service exchange hub for the electrical testing services industry. Join us in reshaping the future of electrical testing services!

Development Team: Felix Hollederer, Nina Kolb, Greshma Shaji, Chaitanya Sai Nimmala, Muhammad Fazeel Arif, Biswarup Chakraborty

Scrum Master: Charlotte Pradel

You Tube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8SAYU0KvzI&list=PLrQ0lAWP2bu1SryI3jiByyp2DacBiT-vK&index=2
