
Our goal is to develop a mobile sensor system measuring and giving feedback on the barrel muzzle movement during dry shooting training in biathlon. Dry shooting helps an athlete to assess substantial influences on his performance.

In Biathlon shooting the important aspect is to do precise movements after psychological and physical preload in the fastest time possible. Muzzle movements directly influence the shooting accuracy.

We are developing an application that will qualitatively and quantitatively record the athlete’s muzzle movements in dry training. We are using Accelerometer (Nilspod) and Gyroscope to record muzzle movements and rifle stability. Also providing a reliable function over the entire training or competition period. Using Bluetooth v5.0 providing acoustic feedback to athletes during training. Our system will be collecting relevant science parameters after training and transferring it to a central database. In short, the application will ease an athlete during dry training allowing him to do effective training which helps him afterward in the competition.


Development Team: Kai Amann, Sruthi Ravichandiran, Simon Weinmüller, Mohammad Shkokani, Muhammad Farooq, Anaga Sandeep Nayak

Scrum Master: Johannes Link, Imrana Abdullah

Partner: Deutscher Skiverband, Institut für Trainingswissenschaften Leipzig