To capture the degree of muscular activity of patients with DMD, the conventional tool and primary endpoint of most clinical studies is a 6 minute walk test. DMD is a degenerative muscular disease.

This test is very dependent on the daily form of the child and also on the motivation, for example by the parents. In our project we want to find and develop a better way to determine the development of the muscular activity.

Therefore, we want to design an app that continuously monitors the activities of the child without extra walking tests. Therefore, we want to attach motion sensors to the patient which sends the recorded data directly to the app. The continuous measurement reduces fluctuations of muscular activity which is dependent on the daily form and motivation of the child. Through more accurate measurements, better prognoses and treatment methods can be suggested.

Our vision is, that the system also checks whether a treatment or medication is effective at all. In addition, it would be possible to improve the muscular activity of the patient through specially adapted games and thus support the motion tracking.


Team: Maja Veigel, Johanna Grigo, Lukas Kuhn, Amir, El-Ghoussani

Partner: Kinderklinik Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

Scrum Master: Malte Ollenschläger